Language and Multi Languages.


17th May 2018.

As we all know the contribution of human being and human mind’s characteristics. Human has developed a very beautiful things i.e language. It’s just a result of their efforts towards the development of languages. We as human are habituated to live in 24 hours either imagining or thinking and doing our daily activities accordingly. This is the fact of our life that without developing a language, our life would have been become so miserable, and we were not able to think, imagine at all, forget about our life styles, aim, objective etc. We can say that this is the best thing ever developed in this world. People are able to think, imagine or do any kind of miracle by using their mind to translate the ideas or thoughts into a language and rest of the world is following same either generating the similar kind of ideas or exchanging worldwide through multilingual process.

Language development and it’s improvement is a procedure which begins early in human life. Newborn baby begins without language, yet by 10 months, infants can recognize discourse sounds and take part in babbling later. Some research has shown that the earliest learning language begins in uteri when the embryo begins to recognize the sounds and speech patterns of its mother’s voice.

The process pattern of language development in human’s life. It will be similar to each and every creatures on this planet in similar manners. But we can differentiate their language communication between a human’s language. Productive language is considered to begin with a stage of preverble communication in which infants use gestures and vocalizations to make their intents known to others. Language development is thought to proceed by general processes of learning in which a new born baby acquires the forms, meanings and uses of words and utterances from the linguistic input.

The important of Languages in our life.
A day without Language

A human being or any creatures would not able to think and imagine for a moment without knowing any language. Truth is that for a day our social life could be zero just because they could not know any language in which they can think, speak and do activities. There has to be some languages or it’s variance to be used for our survivals.

A mind can’t work properly without any thoughts translated into any languages and no alerts would be given to the mind for acting on it and our body will also not follow the things without given an alert by mind. The moment we will enter in a second day i.e after 24 hours and automatically our mind started converting our thoughts into our language i.e Hindi, English, Chinese, French, Kannada, Tamil, Spanish etc and there is no rocket science to understand the importance of language. It’s just a simple process happening in our life and languages are being used in multi mode. For as an example; A chef can think, imagine and cook some beautiful and delicious dishes and for this chef must have to generate idea or think in any languages that may be in Hindi, English, or Chinese, French in which he/she feels comfortable, Similarly a world’s population is thinking, imaging and doing their daily activities. Whatever we are seeing the innovation and new things coming to the markets. It’s just a result of our constructive thoughts translated into some specific languages.

Language might not be considered a first source of creation of any development on this earth, but it will be definitely the second source of creation of it. The word translation or translated might have developed earlier but initially it’s translate our thoughts into a first language.

A multilingual person is someone who can communicate in more than one language, either actively (through speaking, writing, or signing) or passively (through listening, reading, or perceiving). More specifically, the terms bilingual and bilingual are used to describe comparable situations in which two or three languages are involved. A multilingual person is generally referred to as a polyglot. Multilingual speakers have acquired and maintained at least one language during childhood, the so-called first language (L1). The first language (sometimes also referred to as the mother tongue) is acquired without formal education, by mechanisms heavily disputed. Children acquiring two languages in this way are called simultaneous bilinguals. Even in the case of simultaneous bilinguals, one language usually dominates over the other. In linguistics, first language acquisition is closely related to the concept of a “native speaker”.

A multilingual personality ( English & Chinese) who knows more than one language have been reported to be more adept at language learning compared to monolinguals (Chinese).

Till date whatever we have a list of languages around the world. Each and every languages have a beautiful feature. We have to just learn and utilize the languages as much as possible in our life. Becoming yourself a multilingual person ( Chinese & English), you can perceive the world with different aspect of your language skills and also able to know the worldwide life style, cultures and able to easily exchange of our thoughts and life experience into other languages.

There is still a little gap among worldwide languages to exchange the ideas between two different people & nations that’s why human being is being used and professionally considered as a translator (Chinese English), interpreter ( English Chinese ) and same human being is also developing new technology, application for auto converting your languages in to other languages.

Chinese Translator Chinese Interpreter Mandarin language Interpreter Mandarin Language Translator Chinese English Hindi Interpreter English Hindi Chinese Translator

